Safe People Thrive™️

Publications + Blog


Building Community: Work

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In this series of posts, we want to share a few active ways we can help build our communities despite the changes in our daily set-up.

We’re all continually shifting in order to slow the spread of COVID-19 and that includes our home lives, neighborhood lives, and work lives. We thought we’d share a few ideas on how to take this opportunity to strengthen and build your community as you make the necessary adjustments to your office engagements, meetings, and day-to-day tasks.

Create the Internal Network

If you are in a leadership position, set up a plan to check in with your team members. Call, FaceTime, Google Hangouts - however you want to put in a little personal time with your team, do so.

Schedule a call every morning to check in with your remote workers. Use OnSIP's desktop or mobile app—available for free to OnSIP users—so that you communicate easily and even on the go.

Put Together Your Virtual Systems

This can be things like Slack, Google Suite, Email Protocol, Trello, etc. Clearly share which systems you will be using and be mindful of working hours and the adjustments many of your co-workers are having to make when it comes to children, elderly, and neighbors. Clearly express expectation for deadlines, but reiterate open (virtual) door policy when it come discussing any potential hurdles.

By putting together a well defined work flow and system set-up, you are providing stability in what feels like a very unstable time. We are not that different from our childhood selves when it comes to needing solid ground to walk on. Creating an understandable and easy to use virtual protocol and expectations for your team creates just that.

Touch Base on the Personal

Take some time to make small talk with your remote employees. Talk about family, sports, or other common interests that help you bond on a human level. Also keep a dedicated Google Hangout or chat room open so your remote workers can communicate with the team on an impromptu basis.

Think Creatively On Mood Boosters

Either in the short term or long term, think of a couple ways to brighten up your employees’ or co-workers’ days. This can be funny little emails, small Amazon gift, or something to help ease the outside elements to their work day (kids, parents, neighbors in need of care and attention) like a Disney+ membership for a month or an at home activity for them to engage with in order to create more time and space for your employees to feel like they have constructive time to work.



Overall, the goal is to keep up quality, constructive, and positive communication with your team where you are listening, engaging, and helping when and where needed. 

CommunityElizabeth Dix